Check It Out: Krum Public Library Newsletter
March 2020 Volume 1, Issue 6
Director's Corner
Thank you to the Friends of the Library for sponsoring our Valentine’s raffle and to Porto Fino’s for donating a gift certificate for dinner for two. Congratulations to our winner. We hope you enjoy your prizes! I am excited about our upcoming March Teen Read! Look below for more details.
Did You Know?
KPL will be hosting Women in History Movie Screenings 11AM-1 PM each Saturday in March. See Librarian for more details.
KPL will be using an online/app-based reading log in the future. More details are coming soon!
Remember When?
(A look back at important events in literary history—author birthdays, book/character debuts, and dates in books)
3/1/1873 E. Remington & Sons begin production of the first practical typewriter
3/2/1904 Birth of Theodore Geisel/Dr. Seuss
3/9/1913 Virginia Wolff delivers her first novel to the publisher
3/19/2008 death of Arthur C. Clarke
3/26/1974 birth of Robert Frost
3/27/1960 Birth of James Potter in the Harry Potter series
3/31/1855 Death of Charlotte Bronte
What’s New at KPL?
Books and Movies
Picture Books: Where’s Baby?
Junior Fiction: Frank and Bean; I, Cosmo; Maybe He Just Likes You; When You Trap a Tiger
Junior Non-Fiction: Taste the World! Series, Dealing with...When People Die
Junior Graphic Novels: Nathan Hale’s Hazardous Tales: Major Impossible
YA Fiction: A Constellation of Roses, Just Breathe, The Never Tilting World
Adult Fiction: Out of Darkness, Shining Light; First Cut; Molokai
Adult Biography: Touched by the Sun My Friendship with Jackie, Me Elton John, Barnum and American Life
Book Club—3/12 6 PM Featured book is Educated by Tara Westover.
Children’s Hour—Tuesday 10-11 AM. Join Mrs. Katie for interactive stories, songs, early literacy activities, and crafts. No Children’s Hour on 3/11 during KISD spring break
Teen Time—each Wednesday from 4-6 PM; teen Time will not meet 3/12 during Spring Break
A Tooth Fairy’s Adventure Story Time presented by Sanger Dental — 3/13 at 10 AM
Reading with Rover—3/28 10 AM
Celebrate Women's History Month with KPL Women in History Movie Screening - Join us this month for free special screenings of movies about important historical women. Movies are PG or PG-13. Please ask librarians for content details. Popcorn and refreshments will be provided.
