Check it Out: Krum Public Library Newsletter
April 2020 Volume 1, Issue 7
Director's Corner Per Denton County Judge Andy Eads, Denton County is under a stay at home order, effective Midnight March 25. Therefore, Krum Public Library will be closed until further notice, and curbside pickup has also been suspended. If you have any library materials checked out, they will not be due back until the health crisis is over. No late fees will be incurred on these items. Please stay home to help us reduce the spread of COVID-19. Please make sure during this time that you are getting factual information from reliable sources, such as the CDC and official government websites. For updates within Krum please go to our website or Facebook page or the City of Krum.
Did You Know? Under the Virtual Library tab of, you have access to a world of information from the TexShare Databases. This includes DK Eyewitness ebooks, professional journals, craft resources and more. Check it out today! Remember When? (A look back at important events in literary history—author birthdays, book/character debuts, and dates in books) 4/1/1926 Birth of Anne McCaffrey 4/4/1984 the Protagonist of Orwell’s 1984 begins his diary 4/6/1992 Death of Isaac Asimov 4/10/1925 The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald is published 4/13/1909 Birth of Eudora Welty 4/17/1910 Death of Mark Twain
What’s New at KPL? Books and Movies We have gotten in some new items in March that we will be happy to share with you once we reopen. Programs All in person programs and events at KPL have been cancelled until further notice. Book Club will meet online using the Group KPL Book Club. Feel free to join in the discussion on Margaret Atwood’s The Testaments.
Staff Pick - Online Resources Staff recommends the following resources to help you stay busy at home: Learn Magic from a magician that has been to KPL Google Arts and Culture Nightly streaming from the Metropolitan Opera Access to the JLG online reading platform Art lessons from Children’s book author Mo Willems Indoor Activities for Kids Resources for helping with Math
