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August Newsletter 2020


Director's Corner We know many parents are facing difficult choices about school this year. Remember that whatever you decide is best for your family, your Krum librarians are here to offer support and resources. We are just a phone call, email, or web visit away. Curbside services will remain available as long as they are needed.

Did You Know?

  • Virtual Summer Reading Program ends August 3! Thank you to all of our participants! The grand prize drawing will be held on 8/3.

    SRP Stats as of July 27: Total Participants: 67, Level Badges Earned: 319, Missions Completed: 249 Badges earned by age group: Pre-K 36, Children 154, Teen 45, Adult 101

  • The first US Census was conducted on August 2, 1790. Census data is used by all levels of government to determine funding, programming, and other resources. Historically, the census is used for genealogy research. Make sure you are counted now and in the future. If you have not yet been counted in the 2020 census, go to to fill out the quick survey.

  • August 18 is National Bad Poetry Day! Let’s Celebrate with some of the worst poetry ever! (See details below)

  • On August 1 9-11 AM shred and recycle paper documents for free at the library, courtesy of the Krum Police Department! Event will be outside, masks and social distancing protocol recommended.

What’s New at KPL? KPL has more than 30 new items that are all available for checkout! Click here for the complete list. They will also be added to the website soon.

Katrina’s Notes on August Book Club Join library staff and guests via ZOOM for a casual discussion about the amazing memoir Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls. Book Club is always friendly and open to all, even if you haven't finished the book (but obviously expect spoilers if that's the case)! You do not need a ZOOM account or software, simply a computer with a microphone (and preferably a web camera so we can see your face)! Meeting will take place on Aug 13, 2020 6:00 PM Central Time Click here for the Zoom meeting link.  The PASSWORD is: books The meeting ID (you shouldn't need this, but just in case): 932 1935 7310 Hope to see you there!

National Bad Poetry Day Online Project Who can join? KPL Librarians and YOU! What is it? Compilation Video of Worst Poetry When is the deadline? Submit poems or video entries through email ( by 8/15/2020. Where?  From anywhere. It’s all online (Facebook, Instagram and Why should I participate? To celebrate bad poetry, to have fun, and be a part of the latest KPL project How do I join? You can participate in any of these ways:

  1. Send us bad poetry—written by others or by you (obviously intentionally bad because you’re a great poet!)

  2. Make a video reading a bad poem aloud. Be sure to credit the author with name and title of poem and be creative and have fun!

  3. Share your favorite bad poetry on social media for National Bad Poetry Day on 8/18. Tag us (Krum Public Library on Facebook or @krumpubliclibrary on Instagram) and use the hashtag #krumlibrarybadpoetry.

Remember When? (A look back at important events in literary history—author birthdays, book/character debuts, and dates in books)

  • 8/1/1915 Robert Frost’s “The Road Not Taken is published in the Atlantic Monthly.

  • 8/6/1996 A Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin is published

  • 8/9/1854 Henry David Thoreau publishes Walden.

  • 8/12/1964 Ian Fleming, creator of James Bond series, dies.

  • 8/22/1893 Poet and Screenwriter Dorothy Parker is born.

  • 8/30/1797 Mary Shelley is born.

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