Check it Out Krum Public Library Newsletter
May 2022 Volume 3, Issue 8
Director's Corner Mother’s day will be May 8th – stop by the library on May 7th and make a card for that special lady in your life. School is almost out, and summer will be here before you know it. And that means the Krum Public Library’s Summer Reading Program will be happening! All ages are invited to participate. We will offer fun programs and activities along with prizes. Sign up begins May 31st. You can register anytime between June and July – and you can track your reading from wherever you are, as long as you have internet access!
Did You Know?
The Library Bond to build new facilities passed on May 11, 2013. We moved into our current building in the spring of 2017.
Remember When? (A look back at important events in literary history—author birthdays, book/character debuts, and dates in books)
5/1/2007 Rick Riordan releases the 3rd book in the Percy Jackson series The Titan’s Curse.
5/3/1937 Margaret Mitchell’s Gone with the Wind wins the Pulitzer Prize.
5/5/1816 John Keats’ first published poem appears in The Examiner.
5/29/1906 British Novelist T.H. White is born.
Staff Pick from Jamie
I recommend Everything You Wanted to know about Indians but Were Afraid to Ask by Anton Treuer. I enjoyed this book thoroughly. Being Native American, I have been asked a number of these questions myself. However, many of the other questions in this book were a first for me. This book is enlightening, humorous at times, and encourages readers to recognize this people group as just that: people. Dr. Treuer invites readers to open their minds to those around us who are living examples of what so many people have, for so long, thought of as almost a myth. Naturally, this book creates a space that welcomes curiosity and knowledge-seekers. Although this book is initially aimed at the Young Adult audience, the material is readily absorbed at nearly all reading levels.
What’s New at KPL? Books: New titles include the new production of West Side Story and new books by some of your favorite authors. A detailed list can be found here. Programming:
Children’s Hour Join Mrs. Katie at 10:00 each Wednesday for stories, songs, movement, crafts, and more. Birth through age 5.
Make a Card Day—On Saturday, May 7 card-making supplies will be available in the Meeting Room 10:30—1:00 for anyone that wants to drop by and make a Mother’s Day Card.
Book Club will meet at KPL at 6 PM on 5/13/22 to discuss
. New participants are always welcome!
Homeschool Meetup—last meeting for this school year will be May 18 at 1:00 PM. Watch for details about resuming in the fall.
Fourth Friday Free Play—11:00 AM to noon Friday, May 27 Preschoolers are invited to bring their adult and join in the fun. We will have some toys set up in the meeting room for them to play together. This will be an unstructured time for little ones to play at the library.
Summer Reading Read books and complete missions to earn chances to win prizes! We have full calendars for June and July and are working hard to set up a great Summer Reading Program (SRP) for all ages! Watch for details in the next few weeks about SRP and these events:
Adult craft nights
Animal, Magic, and Music programs
Dragon's Stuffed Animal Sleepover
Drop-in STEAM Activities
Reading with Rover
Storytimes for Pre-K and School Age
